Gorc Meets World: Better safe than sorry

By Matt Gorczyca
Managing Editor

gorcmeetsworld_webOne big lesson I have learned is that sometimes it’s better to be safe than sorry.  Normally this is in direct contrast to my “live in the moment” mantra, but after doing a little bit of prioritizing, it’s become clear to see that safety isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

For the past few months I have been living the typical college dream.  I’m on my own, free to do what I want, when I want.  With the exception of bills, classes and work, I’m living the life.  Personally, I don’t want it to end.

I’ve been savoring my last year at Canisius by going out with friends, exploring Buffalo and making priceless memories.  But unfortunately those priceless memories, while I wouldn’t trade them for anything, had taken top priority in my life forcing my future to take a backseat…That is until I realized that graduation is rapidly approaching.

I haven’t even remotely started to give my future the attention it deserves, and  have quickly realized that while my last year at Canisius should be a fun one, it’s also my last shot at getting my act together for the real world.

I have shifted my focus from going out with friends and making every moment count to getting resumes polished, internships lined up and looking at graduate schools and possible big-boy jobs.  That doesn’t mean that I’m cocooning myself into hibernation, isolated from any social interaction; rather it’s a renewed focus on time management.

It’s about knowing when to be serious and when to kick back and have fun. I’ve realized graduate school applications are due, internship deadlines are approaching and I’ll be graduating in four months and thrown right into the chaos of the real world.

Instead of drowning in the ocean that is adulthood, I’d prefer to dive in and swim strongly.  I’ve procrastinated long enough on getting all my ducks in a row, as they say, and once I do get my future all lined up it’ll be time to kick back and relax – assuming I get it all done before graduation.

So don’t procrastinate. It’s easy to get carried away in the freedom that college provides, but try to focus your attention on time management.  I’ve realized that for three and a half years I have slaved away to get an amazing GPA, maintain my scholarship and learn – yes, dare I say, learn.  There are things I have learned in classes here that have changed my life. After taking time to look back at my time here, I determined that I don’t want to risk blowing it all away by missing the opportunity to make something of it.

So don’t forget to have fun, but remember that it’s never a bad thing to be safe rather than sorry.


  1. …you’re a senior in your last semester and you’re JUST starting to give your future attention? #fail p.s. has anyone ever told you that cliches aren’t beneficial to include in an “article”?

    • I believe people have the right to an opinion, but maybe next time when you decide to share your opinions you should consider reflecting on yourself before bashing somebody else who does not deserve to be spoken to in that way. Also, if you are going to criticize someones writing skills, maybe you should consider reviewing your own misuse of punctuation, considering that right when I began reading I instantly noticed the hashtag and misuse of quotation marks, last time I checked we are not on twitter. Besides the ignorance of this person above, I personally think this article portrays the feelings of the majority of peers in our senior class at this moment. The future is approaching rapidly and many of us are lost in translation of enjoying our last few months here and trying to figure out our futures at the same time. Great article Gorc!

  2. I think that this article exemplifies everything that most seniors are feeling. It makes me feel so much better that other people are feeling the same way I am. Thank you Gorc!!

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